Today is "Love Your Pet Day"..... yeah!!! To celebrate, my Mom says that you should go out and get your furry friend, a new toy, or special treat, or just stop what you are doing and spend some time playing with them! When my Mom listens to music and she hears one of her crazy favorite songs, she sings and dances with us! I bet she'll do that today, not to mention maybe a special treat? Get the hint...Mom! Anyways my Mom wrote this poem in honor of this wonderful day for me and Ciena.
My love for my
dogs is beyond measure,
For you see these
two are truly my treasure.
They love and
comfort me day in and day out,
I would be lost
without them for there is no doubt.
Their crazy ways
make me grin,
It’s time for fun
when their antics begin.
Bring on the music
they seem to say,
For you know it’s
time for all of us to play.
They love to dance
with me as they wiggle their butts,
I am grateful that
these two silly dogs are really my mutts!
And sometimes we
roll around and wrestle on the floor,
Now who could ask
for anything more.
And when we are
tired and when we stop,
It’s only because
we are ready to drop.
I cherish each
moment when we have time to play,
For such fun as
this should happen every day.
You see each day is
a blessing from above,
For my dogs lift
my spirits every day with their love.
So have a great day with those who love you and remember till next time, it's paws up and high five!
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